Sunday, March 28, 2010

EDOL 533 Week Four

This was a fun week creating different ways to use a PowerPoint. I had only previously used Microsoft Office 2003, but used my daughter's Microsoft Office 2007 for this week's assignment. During the next 3 weeks, I have scheduled times to visit 4 elementary schools and share my presentation with various grade levels through teachers that I know at each of the schools. At different times throughout the year, I dress in costume and read related books, tell related stories or advertise children theatre productions that we have coming up at the local theatre.

It will be fun to bring the students a different kind of "story."

I created a PowerPoint describing the game of Quidditch, the magical game played on flying brooms in both the Harry Potter books and films. Universities and high schools around the country and world have formed teams to compete in this game as a "muggle" (non-magical)sport. The Power Point was titled, "Muggle Quidditch: Let Your Imagination Take Flight"

The PowerPoint Outline includes: Where it All Began; History of the Game; The Rules-the Field, Players, Equipment, Snitch, Scoring; and, The Future of Muggle Quidditch.

The PowerPoint gives background information on the Harry Potter books and author J.K. Rowling. It also describes The World Cup - held each year in Vermont.

It describes the rules of the game and ways to make it "elementary school friendly." This is a fantastic way to have classroom physical education. It's low physical contact, and yet it is aerobic. Everyone is equal--physical capabilities, coordination, or lack thereof, will not make any one player stand out.
This is great for a school wide sporting event with all classes at each grade levels competing, or just one class with 15 minutes for recess.

The one thing I was most proud about-- I loved incorporating the "flying" snitch and trying the different ways of having it "fly" on to the page.

What I would do differently--If I were to create this or a similar PowerPoint again, I would like to add a 30 second video clip of someone actually trying to "catch the snitch".

I showed the PowerPoint to both my teenage daughters, and they loved it. They thought the slide design was effective, the color choices good, the information thorough, and the graphics "cool".

After reading all the posts on discussion board this week, I have many news ideas to use PowerPoint in the classroom. I would use it as a presenting tool for both the students and me. I liked that the reading explained sending PowerPoint presentations home in a zipfile, in case the students did not have the software necessary for viewing it at home.

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